Sunday, August 31, 2008

sector theory

created by Homer Hoyt

said to have been an improved and more flexible versio of the concentric theory as it allows room for exceptions that other theories do not have

concentric zone theory

Created by Earnest W. Burgess and Robert E. Park during the 1920s

It was created to show that land uses were set up in zones, the concentric zone areas inadvertently had spacial urban organization meaning that residential, urban and all other types of buildings tend to say in similar areas and zones.

it is used to help value land areas.

this theory is said to describe chi city (chicago) according to Vera Miller, a student of Ernest Burgess, at the University of Chicago. Miller explained the the spatial distribution of tax delinquency according to Park and Burgess' model of urban ecology and concentric zone theory:

"The pattern of tax delinquency in Chicago in the period of this study appears to have been related to the pattern of the city's ecological development. As the city expanded outward, the encroachment of industry in the areas adjacent to the central business district blighted these sections. The original residents drifted outward and the inner neighborhoods were occupied successively by people with lower incomes unable to find dwellings elsewhere. Never fully utilized for industrial purposes and constantly deteriorating as residential areas, these sections became characterized by physical deterioration and social disorganization as well as by tax delinquency" (Miller in Burgess and Bogue 1964: 105).

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008


wheres wally?
large scale

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yarrows stadium

Due 2 extreme lack of information gathered on sanders park i have decided to go to an alternative recreational area, Yarrows stadium.

What i need to find out are:

-earliest use besides rugby field

-capacity compared to other stadiums in new zealand

-planned development if any

-set out at the time

-crowd turnout in rugby/cricket/event days

How i intend to get this info:


-visit the place


3 problems i face are:

- limited website info and pictures

-development plans are only suggestions at the time

-it will be difficult not to use generalisations

Sunday, July 20, 2008